2006年10月28日 星期六

自已最喜愛的甜品 - 麵包布丁

每次去食自助餐或點品自助餐總會食這甜品,雖然平平無奇,但做得好都要講技巧。城中我試過最好吃的有君悅與半島兩間。他們做到麵包香脆,蛋糊香滑。當打開擺放布丁的熱煱時,就會聞到布丁的蛋奶香,還要夾什著霖酒浸提子的香氣,如再有一絲絲玉桂粉和豆蔻的襯托,這必是一盤美味的麵包布丁。食麵包布丁,要與雲呢那汁一起吃才是絕配,要真正用雲呢那枝做的才好吃,要不跟一個雲呢那雪糕,最小都要有 Chantilly Cream



Bread and Butter Pudding

Bread                              380 g (or as needed)

Butter (Melted)            85 g

Egg                                 4 Pc

Sugar                             70 g

Milk                                 200 g

Cream                           240 g

Rum                                as needed

Cinnamon                    as needed

Nutmeg                        as needed

Rum soaked Raisin     as needed


Trim the bread cut into triangle then brush with melted butter and bake until yellow

Warm the cream, sugar and milk add the vanilla pod then soaked for a few mins, add spice and rum, add eggs, whisk well and drain

Put a layer of bread into a pudding plate, pour in egg mixture, raisin and the other layer of bread and egg mixture

Cover with cling film and weight down the top with cans, fridge for at lease one hour or overnight. Bake in a preheated oven for about 30 mins until golden.

